Welcome to Richmond Dental Suite
Led by Dr Antimos, our caring team are committed to providing the best care and most comfortable patient experience possible from our modern, well-equipped dental suite.
Dr Antimos Ouzounoglou
Founder and Lead Dentist
General, Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry
DDS Gothenburg, Sweden, 1999
GDC Reg. 78400
We Can Help You!
We offer a full range of treatments as general, preventative, restorative and aesthetic dentistry. Our practice has a special interest in minimally invasive and adhesive dentistry in order to save as much of your own tooth structure as possible.

One-to-One Service
We want to get to know you, put you at ease and assess your needs and expectations. A thorough medical and dental history is taken followed by an extensive extra and intra oral dental examination.
Please allow 45 to 60 minutes on your first visit.
Companies Eligible To Our Corporate Patient Rates
BP NatWest SKY